The Story of the Magdeburg Hemispheres illustrates an aspect of the study of air and of our atmosphere. It is a tale of an experiment that pitted teams of horses against atmospheric pressure, a competition which the atmosphere won.
Learning Journals can be used in many ways to support each child's learning. Here are some approaches to Learning Journals that your children may find useful and engaging ...
... This "final" story is a summation of the children’s lives and learning in the elementary, an invitation to reflect upon all that they now know, and it provides them with an opportunity to consider all of the relationships of that exist in the world and universe around them.
Clever Hans, an amazing horse who could apparently (among other things) read, spell, and perform mathematical calculations, became famous in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Arising from studies of this animal came what is now known as "The Clever Hans Effect", which has a great deal to offer us as educators ...